Caliper Painting

At EUDM Autosports, our custom paint process for brake calipers stands out as being one of the most professional ways out there to paint your brake calipers. The typical body shop normally just spray paints the calipers which leave parts that aren’t related to the brake caliper painted, and sometimes angles of the caliper aren’t even fully painted. We spend time and effort in creating the best finish possible for your brake calipers. We actually remove the calipers from the vehicle to allow for much easier access to the caliper. This also guarantees that the caliper will be fully coated. Once the color coat is applied and dry, we then apply the logo design of the customer’s choice. Different sizes and fonts are available. Once the logo dries, we then apply a clear coat over the entire assembly. This encapsulates the logo under the clear coat where it can never peel or roll up due to heat. This process will keep the logo attached to the caliper forever unlike decals that Brand X may use that can burn or peel off.